Audio stories and pedagogical sequences

Teachers will be able to use the pre-recorded audio stories and the pedagogical sequences to show them how to recreate their own stories.
Types of activities to be chosen by the teacher
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Once upon a time, there was a grey donkey named Lily, who was 7 years old. She lived happily with a family of four children in the countryside. These four children adored her and often came to visit her in the meadow at the bottom of the garden. They talked to her, petted her and gave her food. Every day, they spent time together, and Lily was always excited to be with them…

This morning, Tom is super excited: finally, it’s time to go back to school! Holidays are great, but getting back together with his friends and learning new things is great, too. Since yesterday, he’s been looking forward to telling everyone what he did during his holidays. His parents are even getting a bit annoyed with him repeating his story all over again…

This morning, Emilie is in a bad mood. She wants to go to the Festival of Lights in town later today. All her friends are going with their parents, but Emilie’s dad has lots of things to do at home, and he told her he will not have time to do everything on his own before the festival ends…

That night, Lucas did not sleep well. He had nightmares in which the wind blew incredibly hard. A nasty woodcutter wanders through the woods and choppes (2. Chainsaw) everything he finds, including Lucas’ and his friends’ tent. The woodcutter is accompanied by barking dogs , and the wind is blowing, blowing, blowing so hard! “No, really, this first Scout camp is not a good idea! I am too scared”, he says to himself…

The big day has finally arrived! Léa and her football team are off to Mons in Belgium for an important match. All the teammates are waiting impatiently for the bus to take them to this new place.
And that weekend in Mons is the Doudou, a very important celebration in the city, which the players can attend during their stay….

Early one morning, Peter and his sister, Jana, went mushroom picking with their father. They used to go mushroom picking quite often and already knew of several places where they were guaranteed to find mushrooms every time. They were small children when they first started to go on mushroom-picking trips. That was when they were scared in the woods by themselves. They were also scared of losing their mum or dad in the dark woods…

At the edge of the forest, in the roots of an old oak tree, lived a little Autumn Elf. He enjoyed living there very much. One night, he had a dream. He dreamt of a jar of sweet pear jam. In the morning, when he woke up, he said to himself: “I’ll go to the orchard by the forest, find a pear and make some pear jam.” He jumped out of his bed, got dressed, put his backpack on his back and left his little dwelling…

It was autumn again, and the leaves were falling outside, painting the ground in all sorts of colours. When Janice woke up on Saturday morning and opened her eyes, her eyes shone with joy. Today, she was going to fly a kite on the hill behind the house. She had made the kite the day before with her father’s help, out of paper and skewers. She is going to fly the kite with her mother today. Her father has gone to their cottage to help Grandpa chop wood for the winter. She is looking forward to the fun…

Once upon a time, a tiny little Dewdrop fell asleep on a little bell. She dreamt of being one with the sea where she longed very much to become a part of the waves.After waking up, she thought about her dream for a long time, and when the morning breeze stirred the bell, the little Dewdrop softened and asked him: “Little wind, little wind, where will you fly today?”…

Long, long ago, on the Kowalski family farm, there lived a rooster named Basil. He was the favorite of the entire farm. All the animals respected him and turned to him for advice when they had problems. His owners were grateful to him for waking them up with his song every morning at dawn. Basil’s life was happy and filled with joy. After waking up his owners and all the animals, he would go for a walk. Basil loved going for long walks along the nearby river. During these walks, he would think about how good his life was…

Hello! My name is Karolina, and I am 9 years old. Recently, every day looks similar: every morning I get up early, brush my teeth, and go to school. At school, we sometimes study mathematics, sometimes nature, and sometimes we go on trips. During breaks, we play and run. After school, each child quickly goes home. I also get in the car with my dad and go home…

In a small, cosy cottage on the edge of the village lived a loving family: mom, dad, and their two cheerful children, Tom and Anna. Every morning, they woke up with a smile and excitement for new adventures. Their parents, full of warmth and love, ran a charming farm, where they taught their children every day how important it was to care of animals and plants. It was a lesson in patience, respect, and responsibility, and each day on the farm brought more of it…

Like every year, everyone eagerly awaited the arrival of Christmas. The streets were filled with excitement. Everyone hurried to buy gifts and essential items for the Christmas Eve dinner. The Christmas frenzy also took place in the Pawlak household, where they formed a wonderful and loving family. Mom, Ania, spent the morning in the kitchen while Dad, Piotr, was cleaning. On the other hand, their children, Alicja and Tomek, played cards, enjoying their day off from school…

You and your class have built a time machine. You call it “Timeless”.
Get inside and set the machine to the following time: 1 AD.
Set destination to “Denmark”.
By the way, how does your time machine sound when you’re travelling?
You’ve now arrived at the year 1 AD – so you’ve traveled back many years in time – Do you know how many years? – that’s right, almost 2000 years back to a time named “The Iron Age”…

You and your class have built a time machine. You call it “On Time”.
Get in and set the machine to the following time: 1 4 2 3.
By the way, how does your time machine sound when you’re travelling?
You’ve now arrived at 1423 – so you’ve traveled back how many years in time? – that’s right, 600 years back to a time called the Middle Ages or the Renaissance in some countries…

Stone Age is not just Stone Age – there are many kinds of Stone Ages. One of them is called the “Erteboelle Era”, a people who lived by hunting in this place. Yes, you guessed it – at sea!
They liked to live by the coast or by (2. Flowing water). They lived mainly by hunting, fishing, gathering berries, herbs, and roots, which they lived off…

Have you ever heard of the Danish word “Nisse”? In English, the word means elves, gnomes, or goblins. Perhaps I should tell you what an “Elf ” is? In the old days, it was believed that the land was populated by little creatures in the forest, in the mountains, in the ground, everywhere. If you were building a new house, you had to ask their permission before you started making, and when you were done, you had to give them a small gift like food. If you forget to provide them with food, they could get very angry and tease you or even turn evil…

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
(Project code: 2022-2-DK01-KA210-SCH-000096788)